To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Minimum Wage Anual Cost Of Living Adjustment

1) The Federal Minimum wage will no longer take Congressional action to be adjusted. It will AUTOMATICALLY adjust according to the cost of living February 3 every year.

2) the Federal minimum wage will be immediately increased to today's equivalent of what it was in the year 1968, where it had it's best buying power.

3) It will be illegal to for a Congressional member to propose changes or removal of this amendment. The penalty is immediate removal f4rom office and life time eligibility to membership in the House or Senate. and they serve the remainder of their term in a Federal prison without pay.

Why is this important?

The Congress is at best inept, or has been willfully negligent in keeping the minimum wage up with inflation. We are DECADES behind in this and MANY in our country are poverty stricken and as a result. Immediate action is required in this poor economy, yet none is being taken. Only the usual phoney "we should do something about this" propaganda we always get from politicians.
