To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo
Minimum Wage Bill in NY
The minimum wage in New York has increased just 10 cents in the past five years. Now at $7.25 an hour, that leaves hardworking families with just $15,080 a year.
Raising the minimum wage will help our low wage workers onto the first rung on the ladder to economic security. To help make this a reality, the Assembly Majority is fighting to increase New York State's minimum wage.
Your support is important. Sign the petition encouraging legislators to get on board.
Raising the minimum wage will help our low wage workers onto the first rung on the ladder to economic security. To help make this a reality, the Assembly Majority is fighting to increase New York State's minimum wage.
Your support is important. Sign the petition encouraging legislators to get on board.
Why is this important?
"Over the last five years, the minimum wage has increased by only 10 cents per hour, while New York families have seen huge increases in the cost of living. Currently, working families struggle to sustain a household - let alone invest in their children's futures or save for their retirement - with a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour."