To: Carlin Bennett, Presiding Commissioner, Robert Jackson, Commissioner, and Steve Jones, Commissioner

Mississippi County

We, the undersigned taxpayers, citizens, residents and voters of Mississippi County Missouri petition the Mississippi County Commissioners to use the tax dollars paid by us to fund the Mississippi County Sheriff's Department and Mississippi County Detention Center. We feel that our safety, the protection of our familys & loved ones as well as our property depend on having adequate law enforcement & housing for inmates of this county. We the undersigned people, voice our strong opinion of funding the MCSD & MCDC with enough funds to operate the facilities & maintain staff at a level of safety determined by our County Sheriff Keith Moore.

Why is this important?

This petition is about the use or non use of taxpayers dollars being used wisely by Mississippi County Commissioners. It affects all in many ways. Our safety, the protection of loved ones, our property. Protection is important to us!!!
