To: Mitt Romney Campaign
Mitt Romney: Release Your Financial Information!
Make Mitt Romney release his federal tax return and financial holdings in off-shore and foreign accounts.
Why is this important?
Many Americans are out of work and suffering financially, and Republican Mitt Romney claims to have solutions for the nation's economic problems. However, he says he will not release his tax return until after the presidential election, and he has put millions of dollars in secret off-shore accounts to avoid paying federal taxes. Any person seeking to become President of the United States should be totally ethical and transparent in their financial dealings and pay their fair share of taxes to contribute to the common good. Mitt Romney needs to release his complete financial information so that Americans can judge for themselves whether he is trustworthy, has the nation's best interests at heart, and is playing by the same rules as the rest of us. "For where your teasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21)