To: Mitt Romney
Bain Capital is shipping my job to China
Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.
Mitt Romney: You were at Bain Capital when it pioneered outsourcing of American jobs. Now, it's time for you to speak out and help end it.
Why is this important?
Bain Capital owns Sensata Technologies, which bought the plant where I work in Freeport, Illinois two years ago. Now, Bain is shipping our jobs to China.
Mitt Romney was at the helm of Bain Capital while it owned companies that, according to the Washington Post, "were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States." Mitt Romney bears responsibility for starting the practice and should now play a role in helping to end it.
I didn’t find out that Sensata was owned by Bain until recently, right before Mitt Romney came through our area on the “Every Town Counts” bus tour promising to create new jobs.
We don’t need new jobs, we just need Romney to keep our jobs here in the U.S. I tried to tell him that while he was campaigning in Janesville, Wisconsin—just 55 miles away. But unfortunately, he didn’t want to listen. So now we need your help to get his attention.
Please sign our petition to tell Mitt Romney that he needs to stop talking about creating jobs and actually do something to save ours.
I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose my job. My company used to offer a full year of severance pay, but that was cut to six months. It’s all about money for Bain and Romney, but for us, it’s about how we make a living and feed our families.
What I do know is that I’m not alone. There’s 165 of us getting laid off just in my plant. And millions of other workers who have been laid off—or will be laid off—unless Romney and other businessmen stop shipping jobs overseas and start creating jobs in America.
It’s us now, and it might be you or your family next. So please sign this petition for us, for yourself, and for and all the hardworking people you love and care about. It’s time that Romney stopped making empty promises about creating jobs and started saving jobs that are being shipped outside the country.
Mitt Romney was at the helm of Bain Capital while it owned companies that, according to the Washington Post, "were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States." Mitt Romney bears responsibility for starting the practice and should now play a role in helping to end it.
I didn’t find out that Sensata was owned by Bain until recently, right before Mitt Romney came through our area on the “Every Town Counts” bus tour promising to create new jobs.
We don’t need new jobs, we just need Romney to keep our jobs here in the U.S. I tried to tell him that while he was campaigning in Janesville, Wisconsin—just 55 miles away. But unfortunately, he didn’t want to listen. So now we need your help to get his attention.
Please sign our petition to tell Mitt Romney that he needs to stop talking about creating jobs and actually do something to save ours.
I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose my job. My company used to offer a full year of severance pay, but that was cut to six months. It’s all about money for Bain and Romney, but for us, it’s about how we make a living and feed our families.
What I do know is that I’m not alone. There’s 165 of us getting laid off just in my plant. And millions of other workers who have been laid off—or will be laid off—unless Romney and other businessmen stop shipping jobs overseas and start creating jobs in America.
It’s us now, and it might be you or your family next. So please sign this petition for us, for yourself, and for and all the hardworking people you love and care about. It’s time that Romney stopped making empty promises about creating jobs and started saving jobs that are being shipped outside the country.