To: Salt Lake County Officials, Salt Lake County Officials

MLB in Utah

Our country and state are passing through some tough times financially. We propose that the state of Utah bring in a MLB team to boost our economy and a foundation for more growth. A MLB team would bring in much needed tourism and be a blessing to our community. We are calling on everyone to support us in this endeavor and help Utah progress.

Why is this important?

Everyone knows exactly what you're talking about when you mention, "Americas Favorite Pastime," baseball! It is America's sport. We propose that the state of Utah make an effort to attract a MLB team.

- Boost to tourism
- Benefits the community and families
- Brings in more jobs and business to Utah

- Building a stadium
- Providing a fan base only the people of Utah know how to provide
- Just by showing your support

We know we can make this a reality with your help. We ask you to join our cause and push to get this done. Our great state, our communities and most of all our families will be blessed by bringing this great American sport to our state.
