To: The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, and Governor Tony Evers

MMSD has Failed

MMSD has not performed its responsibilities to its students, parents, teachers and community to provide an adequate education and maintain a safe school environment.

Why is this important?

As a former student and Parent and Community Outreach Liaison for the Madison Metropolitan School District, I have been involved in this school district for over 15 years in some capacity. There exists an atmosphere in the Madison Metropolitan School District that is about maintaining the administration at the expense of student growth through education. The lack of progression combined with the overcommitment to maintaining the administration, which has not upheld educational standards, is atrocious. The graduation rate for black and brown students is at 50%, and yet the administration has been allowed to continue on contract for over 10 years. I saw students physically assaulted by a security guard and other student incidents that were disregarded. It is clear that MMSD only cares about maintaining the current administration and status quo versus upholding their agreement to be responsible for student learning and growth.