To: President Donald Trump and Governor Gavin Newsom

Mobile Home Owners Discrimination

Protect residents living on a fixed income from evictions in mobile home parks. Many are being forced into homelessness, owning the mobile home and losing it from excessive fees for rent/utilities. To move the mobile home costs $10,000+ so the park keeps it

Why is this important?

I pay property taxes for a mobile home purchased in 2004 for $69,000 and was denied General Relief help when I had lost my income. If the mobile home is not worth $50,000+ it is considered "personal property" which makes me ineligible. Yet property taxes are still billed for it? Finally granted S.S.I. of I
$854.40 then due to an alleged utility charge error from some prior month I was billed over $900. for rent/utilities for the month of March.
