To: Dir. Sara Parker-Pauley, Director of Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MODNR)

MODNR Save Missouri's Waters - Adopt Federal EPA CCW Rule

We call on you, the Director of MODNR, to ensure that the agency updates current state regulations to include the language and protections outlined in the federal EPA Coal Ash Rule released Dec 19, 2014 before additional coal ash landfill permits are issued or ash pond permits are renewed.

We also ask that you begin agency testing around coal ash sites to ensure that our drinking water, health and environment are protected.

We believe that human health and our state's rivers, streams and groundwater are being impacted by the agency's lack of action.

Why is this important?

Because MODNR is not testing around leaking ash ponds and has not indicated that they will update state regulations any time soon. People's lives are being impacted while polluters continue to pollute our state's water and air resources without consequence.