To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Monsanto: Stop buying legislation (and politicians)

We demand that Monsanto stop corrupting our legislative process by making back-room deals and slipping in language that protects a corporation's profits from consumers' health. Policy should reflect the people's interests, irrespective of how much a corporation contributes to our representatives or spends lobbying them.

Why is this important?

Last year, Congress passed the so-called Monsanto Protection Act. The bill allowed Monsanto to plant genetically-engineered crops even if a court found they were approved illegally. It protected Monsanto from lawsuits even if those crops turned out to be unsafe, and kept the USDA from having any authority over its effect on the environment or the lives of local farmers. The bill has now expired, but will you sign our petition demanding Monsanto stop buying policy and policymakers and keep this from happening ever again?

The only reason the bill passed is because Monsanto recently spent record amounts lobbying our representatives and corrupting our legislative process: More than $6.3 MILLION. The company continues to fight state-led efforts to label GMOs and even lobbied to prohibit such labeling at the federal level. We need your help to stop the madness!

Act now to safeguard farmers and the environment from potentially hazardous genetically engineered crops. Our legislation needs to protect the people from corporations -- not the other way around.

Don't let the latest biotech industry plot slip under the wire. Please sign our petition to Monsanto now.

