To: Hugh Grant, CEO, Monsanto

Monsanto: Stop Spending Millions to Defeat GMO Labeling

If GMOs are perfectly safe as Monsanto contends, then why does Monsanto not want us to know whether the foods we eat contain GMOs?

Monsanto alone spent over $4.5 million to defeat a Washington state ballot initiative to label GMOs. Monsanto and its allies collectively spent over $25 million to defeat a similar ballot initiative in California.

Reports indicate that Monsanto has been hard at work to defeat GMO labeling bills in the Illinois legislature. We don’t want Monsanto’s money dictating Illinois’ public policy. Tell Monsanto to stop spending corporate money to defeat GMO labeling.

Why is this important?

GMOs aren't without risk - some are designed for increased pesticide use, which has been linked to serious health and environmental effects. Sufficient independent pre-market testing has not been done on GMOs to determine the long-term health effects on humans.

Monsanto’s pocketbook is also hard at work to defeat GMO legislation in Massachusetts, and reports indicate that Monsanto and its allies are set to spend over $6 million to defeat a current ballot initiative in Oregon.

Consumers have a right to know whether the foods we eat contain GMOs, and special interests like Monsanto should not be spending millions to leave us in the dark.