To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

More New Jobs Pledge

I understand the intent of the No New Taxes Pledge is to stimulate the economy by seeing to it that more money gets into the hands of those who create jobs. I won't belabor its similarity to the now discredited "Trickle Down" economics that first busted the economy under Reagan. And I will admit that I am occasionally wrong. But it is only a THEORY, a guess, if you will, and I want guarantees. So, I am suggesting this:


I, the undersigned, pledge that I will use at least half of the taxes I save due to the No New Taxes Pledge, on creating new American jobs. Here's how it will work: For every $100,000 less in taxes I pay under Republican tax proposals than I would under Democratic ones, I will create at least $50,000 worth of jobs. That is, the salary plus benefits plus other normal employment expenses will add up to at least $50,000. The job must represent a true net gain - I can't fire one person then hire another. I cannot send a bunch of jobs overseas then hire a few Americans. The job must be performed in America, be paid in US currency and be performed by a US citizen (or permanent legal resident). The position must be kept filled for at least one year (though not necessearily by the same person).

If I cannot figure out how to give money to someone, ask him to do some stuff for me, and call it a "job" I will give $100,000 to someone who can. If I am unable or unwilling to fulfill this pledge, I will return the original $100,000 to the US Treasury along with a $50,000 fine and a note explaining that I am either too stupid or dishonest to be a good businessperson.

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If you find this a useful notion, please pass it along and reprint it anywhere you like

Why is this important?

It's about actually creating American Jobs. Wealthy people should sign it if they are sincere about helping the American Economy and not just themselves.
