To: JB Van Hollen and Governor Tony Evers


Federal mortgage settlement funds are being diverted from needy homeowners to fix the state budget. Scott Walker claimed his cuts to education, government, healthcare and infrastructure would create an IMMEDIATE surplus. Over a year has passed and his claims of surplus have fallen short. To cover the shortfall he wants to strip much needed Federal funds from homeowners. HE MUST BE STOPPED! Walker has rejected federal funds for the unemployed, high speed rail but now somehow wants to accept them only to cover up the fact his policies not only are not working but continue to destroy the lives of working families and the under/unemployed.

SIGN TODAY to STOP WALKER and VAN HOLLEN from stripping Wisconsin homeowners life line away!

Why is this important?

Scott Walker & JB Van Hollen have plans to redirect HOMEOWNER assistance funds to the coffers of the State budget.