To: Margaret A. Hamburg, Commissioner of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and President Donald Trump

Move marijuana from Schedule 1 drug to Schedule 2

Request that President Obama or the FDA recategorize Marijuana from a Schedule 1 drug, defined as having no valid medicinal use, to a Schedule 2 drug, which has valid use, but high abuse potential.

This one small change would resolve conflict between Federal law and many state laws, while also allowing research to move forward on effects of marijuana used for certain medical conditions, such as seizures and migraines, amongst many others.

Why is this important?

I know many people who would benefit from some form of medicinal marijuana, from my father, who died of cancer a handful of years ago, and suffered greatly during chemo and radiation treatments, suffering that could have been alleviated by marijuana; to a niece of mine who suffers from dozens of seizures per week, to another friend who has to leave the workforce due to debilitating migraine headaches. So much suffering that can be at least partially mitigated, by a simple stroke of the pen.