
Move On special project to support Obamacare

Move On should collect donations to pay for continuing advertisements to help protect Obamacare. Obamacare has received a bad rap because it has not been fully realized and minor corrections implemented. Explain in advertising various examples of the wide range of benefits and especially who benefits. This is not just for the poor and those who have long been without insurance, its benefits extend as widely as small business owners, independent contractors, and many groups that would often be considered quite conservative--and are not being targeted as allies in supporting Obamacare.

Why is this important?

The issue is critical now the new (unified) US government to be sworn in in January intends to proceed with dismantling of Obamacare in first 100 days of the Trump administration. Collection of continuing campaign funding and other resources will be required, and considerable infrastrastructure for campaign needs to be assembled--just when we thought we would be able to relax.