To: MoveOn

MoveOn: Create a national demonstration and teach-in in Summer, 2014

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Dear MoveOn - You are a progressive organization. One of the best. But You can't just send your supporters web page links to click and ask for money. You've got to organize demonstrations, protests and teach-ins that attract tens to hundreds of thousands of people. You've got to get major media coverage. Please plan for a MAJOR demonstration in Washington, DC, in the Summer of 2014. Get the best progressive speakers, like John Nichols, Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, Noam Chomsky, Julian Assange (remotely of course), Richard Eskow, Gar Alperovitz. And lots more.

Come on MoveOn: Get a Move On!

Why is this important?

We are asking MoveOn to organize a large national protest and teach-in in Washington, DC, in the Summer of 2014. Topics include the failure of government to address: climate change, ending the war on terror, the drone wars, the drug wars, the war on whistleblowers, failure to plan for a sustainable energy future, failure to provide jobs for everyone willing to work, failure to effectively regulate Wall Street
