To: Koch Industries General Counsel Mark Holden

MoveOn donors are real!

We're MoveOn donors. We exist! And we're fighting to take our democracy back.

Why is this important?

You can't make this stuff up: Secret recordings just surfaced of the Koch brothers' top lawyer talking about MoveOn. He couldn't find our name on a list of groups funded by millionaires—so he protested that the list must be wrong.

The Kochs and their friends apparently can't believe you--a MoveOn donor--exist. Their political world is so dominated by billionaires that they literally can't imagine a genuine grassroots organization with millions of average Americas as members, and hundreds of thousands of $5, $50, and $500 donations.

If enough MoveOn donors sign this petition, we'll print up a cheeky card to the Koch brothers' organization—signed by the thousands of MoveOn donors around the country who power our work—with the message: "We exist! And we're fighting to take our democracy back."