To: The Honorable David A. Catania, D.C. Committee on Health, Chairman, The Honorable Yvette Alexander, D.C. Committee on Health, Member, The Honorable Marion Barry, D.C. Committee on Health, Member, The Honorable Mary Cheh, D.C. Committee o...

Mr. Catania: Make Dying People a Home Health Care Priority in D.C.

Make Dying People a Priority Category for Home Health Care in the D.C.'s Medicaid Waiver Program for Home and Community Based Services.

Why is this important?

We need your help because people have a right to die at home among people who love them and in familiar environments.

Expedited Medicaid Waiver application reviews for home health care are no longer available to hospice patients because we have reached our maximum number of program participants.

We must create and reserve 200 "slots" for hospice patients and continue the city's previous efforts to expedite these applications.
