To: Minooka 201 BOE, Mr Cronin should resign!

Mr Cronin should resign!

At his very first board meeting Mr Cronin declared, "I don't give a s#*+ about your 1st amendment rights!" to another board member who is also a veteran who served our country in war. As a parent I do not want someone who does not respect others to have any place in deciding what is best for my children in regards to school.

Why is this important?

At a 201 board meeting, Mr Cronin acted in a very unprofessional way and attacked another board member verbally. He knew he was being recorded and acted this way in front of the BOE, parents and other public members. This type of behavior is unacceptable for our students (per student handbook) and should also be unacceptable for our BOE members. We are asking that the BOE ask Mr Cronin to resign from his position. We cannot trust someone who acts like this to be able to make rational and wise decisions for our children. You can watch what happened at the board meeting here - (copy and paste since it won't let me hyperlink it) Mr. Cronin starts his attack around 47 min. Please start attending our board meetings and letting them know this kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable in our district! We are taking this petition to the BOE meeting at the end of June. Please sign and forward to anyone else you know in 201.
