To: Pat Hegarty, Principal of Shorecrest High School

Mr. Hegarty: Give Us Our TAP Back

After first replacing the TAP intervention system with a less effective model, the school then instituted a change to remove the student's freedom, without fixing the issue of ineffectiveness. In effect, you have removed the TAP study period, which the vast majority of students agree is extremely useful and helps us improve our grades. We ask you to revert to the original TAP Intervention schedule, and end this bureaucratic nonsense.

Why is this important?

I used to be able to go to my math classroom before class and ask my teacher for help on problems I didn't understand. Now, I will be forced to sit in first/second period, wasting time, while the teacher works with those few who need help. The new TAP Intervention schedule is a complete failure, and the only solution is to revert to the original configuration.
