To: Sergio Marchionne, Chairman and CEO of Chrysler Group LLC

Mr. Marchionne: Tear Down That (ethanol blend) Wall!

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Chrysler is not producing E-15 warranted new vehicles. It is the only American auto manufacturer not to do so. This is supporting the artificial 10% Ethanol blend "wall", preventing Americans from moving off oil use by increasing ethanol use, and from reducing pollution and GHG emissions. Your inaction supports big oil's argument that they can't blend more than 10% ethanol into gasoline because vehicles can't use it. E-15 is an approved fuel. Your support for E-15 in all your vehicles will move America forward. We need your help: 2014 will be the year of cellulosic ethanol in the US. It is already being made on a commercial scale in Italy and Canada. Please give us a chance to drive cleaner, and at a lower cost, in Chrysler vehicles. Let's celebrate the future together.

Why is this important?

Both air pollution and GHG are increasing, and gasoline use is the chief reason in the US. We have a low cost, cleaner alternative, ethanol, that is being hindered by auto companies reluctance to manufacture new vehicles that can use E-15 (hence increasing our use of ethanol by 50%). This important step forward needs public support and public outcry, especially as we are now beginning to make ethanol from wastes.
