To: President Donald Trump

Mr. President, please properly leverage the "fiscal cliff" law in order to fairly tax super wealt...

Mr. President, when working with Congress regarding any extension or continuance of the Bush Tax Cuts, please properly leverage the "fiscal cliff" law (defined below) in order to fairly tax those making over $250,000 or thereabouts, as you promised to do so. I am aware that over the last decade the gap between highest and lowest wage earners has substantially widened, and unfunded tax cuts, if continued, need to be finally and fairly paid for so as not to continue to feed our national deficit. It is long past due that something permanent is negotiated that gives relief to citizens that need it, yet be fair. However, please do not "sell the farm" in acquiring any agreement from both sides and be prepared to institute the "fiscal cliff" if Congress cannot come to an amicable agreement.

The "fiscal cliff" is essentially terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 scheduled to go into effect at midnight on December 31, 2012. This includes expiration of certain tax cuts for all as well as substantial spending cuts being instituted in hundreds of government programs, including the defense budget and Medicare.

Why is this important?

I, as an American citizen, am concerned about the national deficit and ever-widening income gap. I am most concerned with unfunded tax cuts that help those that don't necessarily need it while also feeding income inequality between the rich and the middle class . By the deadline of midnight, December 31, 2012, please negotiate with Congress a fair and amicable solution that addresses both of these concerns, while properly leveraging the "fiscal cliff" in such negotiations.
