To: William Shatner, Actor
Mr. Shatner: Negotiate to stop Priceline's tax dodging
As someone who knows how to "negotiate," we'd like you to speak out against's tax-dodging practices.
While we all want to get a good deal when we travel, every company should pay their fair share—and we're hoping you can be our fair share negotiator. How can we invest in education, job training, medical research, and other priorities if companies like pay nothing in taxes?
While we all want to get a good deal when we travel, every company should pay their fair share—and we're hoping you can be our fair share negotiator. How can we invest in education, job training, medical research, and other priorities if companies like pay nothing in taxes?
Why is this important?
We just learned that is one of the growing number of huge, multinational corporations that pay nothing in income tax. While you and I paid our share, they literally did not pay a single penny.
Their tax-dodging move of choice? They deduct executive bonuses from their taxable income ... meaning their executives get huge pay-days while the public gets nothing.
Good thing we already have a Priceline "negotiator" to help stop this -- Mr. William Shatner, aka Captain Kirk, and the star of's commercials.
Join us and ask Mr. Shatner to tell to stop dodging their taxes, and join our effort to make sure big corporations pay their fair share.
Their tax-dodging move of choice? They deduct executive bonuses from their taxable income ... meaning their executives get huge pay-days while the public gets nothing.
Good thing we already have a Priceline "negotiator" to help stop this -- Mr. William Shatner, aka Captain Kirk, and the star of's commercials.
Join us and ask Mr. Shatner to tell to stop dodging their taxes, and join our effort to make sure big corporations pay their fair share.