To: Philip Griffin, President, NBC News

MSNBC President: Preserve Progressive News Format

With the addition of new conservative-leaning show hosts Nicolle Wallace, Greta Van Susteren, and possibly Hugh Hewitt, it is evident that MSNBC has been shifting toward a more centrist/right focus. In the era of Trump and Republican control of all three branches of government, America needs balanced news coverage more than ever before. Please maintain MSNBC's role as the America's primary progressive news network.

Why is this important?

The election of Donald Trump has in part been seen as a failure of the news media. There has never been a more critical time for Americans to learn the truth about his blatant conflicts of interest, his dangerous foreign policy, his willful ignorance about government, and the truth about his campaign's role in the Russian hacking of our election. I cannot fulfill my role as an informed citizen participating in making our government serve the people rather than the rich and the corporations without being informed about domestic and foreign policy. MSNBC is my primary source of being so informed.
