To: IRS, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Multinational Corporations Must Pay Taxes On Overseas Profits!

Congress and the IRS must hold Multinational Corporations to the same standard as people. If they do not bring their approximately 1.5 trillion in overseas profits back to the United States then Congress and the IRS must stand up to them and force tax liens against them, slap jugdements against them and if necessary slap them in jail just as they do to individuals!

Why is this important?

The Fiscal Cliff is coming, we have been bombarded about Citizens United and with Republican Candidate Romney saying "Corporations are people, too" if corporations are people then why not treat them as people. If you do not pay your taxes, you have liens slapped against your property, judgements go against you and sometimes you are put into jail for not paying your taxes. Why should corporations be any different? Congress and the IRS must hold Multinational Corporations to the same standard. If they do not bring their approximately 1.5 Trillion in profits back to the United States then Congress and the IRS must stand up to them and force tax liens against them, slap jugdements against them and if necessary slap them in jail.