To: Republican Party Super Pacs

Mute the Negative Republican Ads from the Super Pacs

The Supreme Court allowed unlimited funding from the wealthy and from Corporations to spread false ads and lies about President Obama, every Democratic legislature and institutions that support the middle class. We must send a clear message that spending large sums of money to perpetrate such actions will fall on deaf ears and be a waste of money. Instead of this spending by corporations and the wealthy, this money should be used to HIRE PEOPLE WHO NEED JOBS. Send these corporations, wealthy, and super pac funds a message that their negative advertisements will fall on deaf ears.

Why is this important?

We have already become indoctrinated with the negative lies from the Republicans about President Obama and the Democratic Party. When these commercials are aired, MUTE THEM ON YOUR TELEVISION. Reform the spending from the Super Pacs on television ads by not listening to the negativity and lessening their impact.