We need new laws, we need new guidelines for TV and entertainment. Do you want to see a woman hanging upside down, dead, beaten, with her eyes gouged out on FOX at 8:20pm? Do you want your children to see this? I did see this and I had nightmares for two nights. Where does it end? How gruesome do we need our "entertainment" to be? Couldn't this possibly be one contributing factor in the escalating violence we see in our country ever year? It is more than GUNS causing the problem. Please SIGN now to add your signature and tell our government to help us. Get it OFF our TV, let the adults go see what they want. I don't want to "infringe" on individual rights but please we need to do something! What happened to good-hearted, wholesome, loving America? VOTE NOW!
Why is this important?
We worry about violence in our country and across the world. Why can't we believe we can be inadvertantly causing it when Mutilation, Murder and Rape are all commonplace in our entertainment at any time of day. Can't we protect ourselves and our children's future?