To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

My Congressperson should co-sponsor the Occupy Amendment

We hereby instruct our elected Congressional Representatives to co-sponsor and work to pass this extremely important Occupy Amendment sponsored by Rep. Ted Deutch in cooperation with Senator Bernie Sanders!

Corporations are not people and they do not belong in our elections! We Americans must all Stop the flood of Campaign Lies on our TV sets paid for by Big Corporate Money and restore our Democracy to the People. It is in the interest of you Congress people who do not wish to be lied about by your opponents and we citizens who no longer wish to be lied to by those seeking elected office and their PACs and supporters. It is in the vital interest of restoring a free Democracy!

By Signing onto this Petition we are instructing our Congresspersons that you should co-sponsor The OCCUPIED Amendment, H. J. Res 90 AND Senator Bernie Sanders: Saving American Democracy Amendment, S. J. Res 33 Amendment and support its' passage on OUR behalf!

Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote about your duty as our elected Representatives in Congress in his wise dissent to this disastrous Citizens United Ruling.

“Although they make enormous contributions to our society, corporations are not actually members of it. They cannot vote or run for office … the financial resources, legal structure, and instrumental orientation of corporations raise legitimate concerns about their role in the electoral process. Our lawmakers have a compelling constitutional basis, if not also a democratic duty, to take measures designed to guard against the potentially deleterious effects of corporate spending in local and national races.”
— Justice John Paul Stevens in his powerful dissent to Citizens United

The Constitutional Amendment introduced by Rep. Ted Deutch and Senator Bernie Sanders will end corporate influence in our elections by:

Overturning Citizens United and outright banning the ability of corporations to use their profits to influence our elections.

Making clear that corporations, as well as entities formed to represent corporations — are not real, living people with rights protected by our Constitution. They are entities established under our laws and thus subject to our laws.

Reasserting the authority of Congress and the States to crack down on anonymous third party groups flooding our elections with malicious attack ads and to limit campaign contributions and expenditures by individuals, candidates, and all types of private entities.

If Money Is Speech then we are all being shouted down by Big Corporations wearing the masks of anonymity while they influence our elected officials and elections!
***This MUST be corrected if we are to fix our Nations' greatest problems!***

The people, we signers of this Petition, hereby instruct you to Co-Sponsor and support these Resolutions to pass this Amendment!

Why is this important?

PLEASE Ask your Congressperson to co-sponsor this great Occupy Amendment sponsored by Rep. Ted Deutch in cooperation with Senator Bernie Sanders!
Corporations are not people and they do not belong in our elections! Stop the flood of Campaign Lies on our TV sets paid for by Big Corporate Money and restore our Democracy to the People.

By Signing onto this Petition you are telling your Congressperson that they should co-sponsor this Amendment and support its' passage on your behalf! Thank you! We can do this with your help!