To: The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, and Governor Ralph Northam

My Son

My son was charged with less than 5 grams of cocaine and a gun, which belonged to the other guy. They had to charge him with the gun and he got 30 years. He's never been violent in or out of prison. Please help my son come home. Randy Scott Rader 10562-084. Check his record - non-violent. I am Debra, his Mom.

Why is this important?

Let my son come home. He is not violent. He has been in a Federal prison for over 10 Years. He has 10 more to go for a gun he never used and was not his and less than 5 Grams Of Crack. Judge Jones of Abbingdon, VA keeps denying his petitions for a retrial. Please help my son Randy Rader - 10562-084. His Mom Debra
