To: San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy and San Dieguito River Park

Honor Jerry Schad

The Coast to Crest Trail shall be titled The Jerry Schad Trail.

Why is this important?

SignOn.Org now has no option for editing the petition text without deleting it or omitting the recipients listed.

The president of The Conservancy has communicated to me that it's membership's wishes are that there be no name change and no one's name appear on the title of The Coast to Crest Trail and Jerry's wife concurs.

I hereby withdraw my pursuit in changing that trail's name, and this petition will not be delivered to either recipient.

This petition will be left online for now, and if you support honoring Jerry Schad in a positive way proportional to the magnitude of his contributions that has the blessings of those who were closest to him, then sign this petition. I'll leave it to others to decide what that will be, and will decline any leadership role in that process.
