To: The Pennsylvania State House

Nan's Law

Having a law requiring hotels/motels do an inexpensive background check on new hires.

Why is this important?

Nan's Law is the name given to our efforts to pass a law to force hotels/motels to do background checks on future employees who have access to guest rooms. It is named for our daughter, Nan Toder who was brutally murdered by the maintenance man in a suburban Chicago motel in December 1996. She had her bags packed and stored behind her room door as she was very cautious. She thought the connecting room door was locked, too. However, the murderer (who had a criminal record) had 'fixed' it so it would not lock. He used his pass key to enter the adjoning room door, strangled her & slashed her with a machete. We'd like a petition to the Pennsylvania legislature to require background checks. We hope other states will also consider passing such an obviously needed law.See for more information. Thank you, Lin & Sol Toder