To: President Donald Trump

Narcissist abuse

Narcissist abuse is mind torturing. Narcissists stop at nothing to see their targeted victim's life be unliveable. Often the victim suffers major health issues, and some have committed suicide due to no escape from a narcissist's wrath of pain and suffering. Emotional trauma is in the wheel of domestic violence, but not backed up by law. Narcissist abuse is silent murder. Many women's and children's lives are destroyed from this type of abuse.

Why is this important?

I am a domestic violence survivor. Judge Foxman of Deland, Florida denied me an injunction for protection while my abusers were locked up, charged with battery with bodily harm. After I divorced my abuser, my kids were taken, brainwashed and alienated against me; 3 jobs, healthcare benefits, 5 homes, credit destroyed, all my possessions gone - I lost everything. My grandbabies are being taught the same vicious cycle of abuse. An undiagnosed malignant narcissist has made my life unliveable; justice revictimized me.