To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Nation of Yisrael Homeowners Association
The descendants of slaves have a right to exist in their own land that their ancestors built for 400 years.
Why is this important?
In 1619, the first slave ship landed in Jamestown Virginia. This was the beginning of sorrows for many generations to come. Our forefathers were forced at gunpoint to work from dusk to dawn, building the infrastructure of what would become the greatest power on the face of the earth. It Is no wonder why we are asked to simply forget about the atrocities of our mothers and fathers, because there is no amount of money that will replace the sacrifices made by these brave souls. Therefore, we the people of the people who built this land demand that this government recognize this oppressed nation within a nation, and be given equal respect as the Native American tribes of America, the Jewish people of modern Israel who suffered under the German government, the Japanese and other nations who have been officially recognized by the US government as an oppressed people who deserves to be made whole by their oppressor.