To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

National Beirut Veteran Memorial

Subject: National Beirut Veteran Memorial

Hello, My name is Gregory M. Young, Sr
I'm a Marine Veteran of Beirut, Lebanon. I was deployed to Bierut from May 11, 1983 to Nov. 20, 1983. The Marines, Sailors, and Sailors who gave their lives in the name of peace in Beirut, Lebanon have been forgotten by most, but those of us who were there.

It is now time that we honor those fallen Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers who gave their lives for peace while serving as members of the U.S. lead Multi National Peace Keeping Force in Beirut, Lebanon.

That's why I created a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Congress, and President Barack Obama.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Cpl. Gregory M. Young
B Co. 1/8, 24th Marine Amphibious Unit
Beirut, Lebanon 1983


Why is this important?

Several States and The U.S.M.C. have erected Monuments or Walls as memorials in honor of those; U. S. Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving as members of the U. S. lead Multi-National Peace Keeping Force in Beirut Lebanon from 1982-1984. A National monument in honor of these valiant men is long overdue. Please help get a National Beirut Memorial in Washington, DC.
Our first duty is to REMEMBER!
