To: President Donald Trump

National Elections

In a democracy, the people are only part of the democratic process when they participate in it. As we have one of the lowest voter turnout rates among first world nations, we should give our citizens every chance possible to participate in the process.

Many of our citizens do not live in states with early voting. Some of our citizens live in states where voter suppression is a real problem. Still others have to wait in lines for hours.

Making national elections a national holiday would do several things. First, it should be a source of national pride to engage in the democratic process through voting and could become an occasion similar to Independence Day.

Second, the poorer Americans who have work-related issues and cannot vote or get stuck in lines would have much more time and therefore be more likely to engage in the process.

Finally, having a holiday dedicated to voting might encourage our citizens who rarely engage in the process to become more active as their friends and neighbors vote. Also, over time it may become as much a national pastime as any other holiday.

In a nation with as much national pride as the United States, we must increase voter turnout any way we can! As more Americans engage in the process, the national perception of our government may improve as well. Making Election Day a national holiday is the logical starting point if increasing participation!

Why is this important?

Making national political elections a national holiday. I know far too many people who have been unable to vote due to long lines or some type of disenfranchisement related to voter suppression.
