To: Paul Reyrich, Co-founder of the Heritage Foundation, The GOP, The Grand Old Party, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

National Voter Suppression Racketeering Charges

I request the US or any State Attorney General investigate ALL Voter ID laws under our Racketeering statutes seeing this unprecedented voter suppression action initiated by ALEC is affecting upwards of 10 million of MY fellow citizens.

Why is this important?

My 91 year old friend Catherine may not be able to vote for the first time in her life simply because her drivers license has expired and it is due to the ALEC motivated ,unprecedented Voter Id laws currently being forwarded across our great nation in over 30 states by GOP controlled state governments. This is voter suppression, pure and simple and it is illegal, immoral and totally Un-American.
