To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
National Voting Day!
We, the Citizens of the United States of America, would like to declare the day we vote a "National Voting Day". National Voting Day would be a paid federal holiday which gives everyone a voice and the right to vote!
Many people have sacrificed their own lives for our rights to vote. This day honors them, while giving working people a true chance to make their voice heard!
It is time to catch up to those other countries that have realized the importance of making their election day a holiday. It is time to put the United back into the United States of America!
Many people have sacrificed their own lives for our rights to vote. This day honors them, while giving working people a true chance to make their voice heard!
It is time to catch up to those other countries that have realized the importance of making their election day a holiday. It is time to put the United back into the United States of America!
Why is this important?
People are being pushed away from their fundamental right to vote. Why? They have to work! We need a national holiday so that working people can vote without having to choose between their country and their job.
We could open more poll places because more people would be able to participate in both voting and volunteering. Students will grow up knowing the importance of their parents voices having meaning, of creating true change, and be able to witness it every year.
How come we have not done this yet? It is common sense!
We could open more poll places because more people would be able to participate in both voting and volunteering. Students will grow up knowing the importance of their parents voices having meaning, of creating true change, and be able to witness it every year.
How come we have not done this yet? It is common sense!