To: The United States Senate
National weapons and ammo database
Create and maintain a national database of weapons and ammunition for anyone who owns weapons but is not in the military or law enforcement, and for any institution that is not military or law enforcement. Make it a felony to under-report holdings, and consider this a violent offense, and potentially a reason to release non-violent offenders to make room for such under-reporters. Set a reasonable maximum for weapons and ammunition purchases based on the intended purpose (hunting, self-defense, etc.) and require accounting of used ammunition for anyone wanting to make purchases over the threshold. Require adult supervision for people below a certain age to operate a gun or rifle for any purpose.
Why is this important?
The latest massacre highlights how easy it is for a disturbed individual to get guns and bullets and kill lots of people quickly, and how poorly weapons are kept track of. When I was in the U. S. Marine Corps, my rifle was in the Armory most of the time, and the Armorer kept track of all the weapons and ammunition held by the unit; this is keeping with the Second Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, which requires a militia to be well-regulated. There is no such accounting for weapons held by civilians. Now, as an under-employed veteran, it occurs to me that we could use gun control to create jobs, since the creation of this database would be a monumental undertaking.