To: President Donald Trump

Nationalize Guard units in states which refuse to extend equal benefits to same-sex partners

In defiance of the law, and in blatant insult to the members of their National Guard soldiers, Republican governors and legislatures are refusing to extend benefits to same-sex marriage partners of Guard soldiers. This is both seditious in its refusal to follow the law, and destructive to the morale of Guard units.

Mr. President, under authority granted to you by the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, please direct the Secretary of Defense to nationalize Guard units in those states which insist upon defying the will of the people and of Congress, and see to it that those worthy same-sex partners of soldiers get the benefits they deserve.

Why is this important?

In response to several Republican governors and legislatures refusing to extend benefits to same-sex marriage partners of Guard members, we want the President to order the Secretary of Defense to nationalize, under authority granted by the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007, all Guard units in those states which refuse to comply with the law.
