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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Nationwide Legalization of Marijuana

Legalization of recreational and medicinal Marijuana use and growth all around the US. Let's face it, marijuana is being decriminalized and even completely legalized in close to half the states in America; why tip toe around the fact that this "drug" is helping many people with a huge number of medical problems? Not to mention, when used for recreational purposes, it has a less dangerous effect than alcohol, which can be purchased legally all over the US. Control it like alcohol, tax it, and make money off it rather than wasting hard working Americans' tax dollars on booking marijuana users in jail/prison. This is why our youth is turning to and getting addicted to designer drugs such as spice,potpourri, and bath salts which can be bought at local smoke shops at the age of 19! Its a non chemically altered plant, unlike tobacco,its outrageous that after years of study and use it's still illegal. Look around America, more than half of the adult and even teen population are using and some even succeeding in life.

Why is this important?

Too many peaceful marijuana smokers incarcerated. Huge waste of our tax dollars.



2020-09-14 21:54:46 -0400

100 signatures reached