To: Craig Jelinek, CEO, Richard Galanti, CFO, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Nature Made corporation poisoning pregnant mothers

Remove Nature Made pre-natal vitamins from Costco shelves and ensure all pre-natal vitamins do not include ingredients that cause birth defects, cancer, and developmental side effects.

Why is this important?

My wife was thinking she was doing something good for her body and baby, started taking Nature Made's prenatal vitamins on a daily basis 3 months before she became pregnant.

After our son was born she continued to take them while nursing him for a year. Preparing for our second child, she just recently discovered that Wholefoods and Mother's market didn't carry it and she was told to look at the ingredients. She didn't realize that it contained artificial and unsafe ingredients that have been linked to brain development birth defects, ADHD, and forms of cancer; including leukemia.

The ingredients Red 40 (dye), Yellow 6 (dye), Blue 1 (dye) are unecessarily placed into this prenatal vitamin have been scientifically linked to ADHD. It also contains DHA from an unknown source. Which brings into question the amount of mercury, lead, pesticides and other potentially harmful contaminants typically found in unsourced fish oil. The fact that it's unsourced is a red flag since Nature Made has made two fish oil products that are under scrutiny (lawsuit) for containing the highest amounts of PCBs which cause birth defects, which makes little sense in a pre-natal vitamin.

We're calling for Costco to stop selling Nature Made products and for Nature Made to be forced to stop putting poison in their pre-natal vitamins.
