To: Deborah Turness, President of NBC News
NBC Fire Chuck Todd
In the wake of the murder of 9 people in Charleston, Chuck Todd saw fit to highlight only black men who commit gun violence. This is the exact focus of racists who perpetuate the myth of the violent black man while ignoring the violence that comes from white people. Todd's explanation is not an apology nor does it shed light on why he would perpetuate the myth of the violent black man after 9 black people were killed while engaging in the least violent behavior possible, they were praying.
Why is this important?
This petition is about getting justice for people directly affected by racism. Racism should not be acceptable as dialogue disguised as a news story. I suppose the only way I am affected is that I have been watching the eroding standards of journalism for the last 40 years and I don't like in my face racist rantings especially disguised as news dialogue.