To: The North Carolina State House and Governor Roy Cooper

NC GOP: Don't put teenagers health at risk!

We are asking our representatives to vote against HB 693, a bill that would needlessly put the health of North Carolinians at risk by making it more likely that teenagers will delay seeking treatment for STDs. The relationship between a child, their doctor, and their parents is private, and not something that the state of North Carolina should be involved in.

If this bill is passed, we are also asking Governor McCrory to veto it.

Why is this important?

A bill has been introduced in the state legislature that would require minors to get parental consent, and notarized consent in some cases, before they could receive testing for STDs or birth control. Not only would this bill needlessly shame teenagers when they are most vulnerable, it would also put the health and well-being of all North Carolinians at risk.
