To: Governor Roy Cooper
Bring back NC Tax-Free Weekend
After the signing of the state budget by the governor, Tax-Free Weekend in NC will cease to exist. Not only does this hurt millions of teachers looking to stock their classrooms, but directly it hurts hundreds of thousands of low-income and middle-class North Carolinians. Tax-Free Weekend is for some households the only time to shop for school. Sign this petition and let the governor know we want Tax-Free Weekend reinstated and to find a budget cut somewhere else. Perhaps maybe cutting what he gets paid down to minimum wage? As a mother of two girls it is not always easy to afford clothes, even with a good job. To all my parents out there, let your voices be heard! SIGN!!
Why is this important?
After the new NC budget was signed, Tax-Free Weekend, which helped low-income and middle-class citizens of NC afford school clothes and supplies, will be no more. Sign this petition to let the governor know you want it back!