To: Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR-3)

Net-Neutrality at Risk: Don't be neutral about this attempt to privatize free and open access to...

Demand that our government not grant a pay-for-play-fast lane that will increase the cost of good internet access.

Why is this important?

As a math and science teacher (recently retired) I was able to provide more current and thought-provoking activities that were web-based for my students as well as keep up with the latest ideas and methods in teaching content. I also was able to develop a website for my students that gave them an easy way to ask questions about content and assignments as well as keep track of their grades. I see all those benefits threatened by legislation to make the internet "pay-to-play." On a personal level I was able to travel on a work study trip to Guatemala and able to keep in touch with family through the internet. The cost of international phone calls was prohibitive and the modest fee for using computers very doable.