To: Reed Hastings, Netflix Founder and CEO

Netflix: Give maternity/paternity leave to ALL your workers!

Every Netflix employee should benefit from your unlimited maternity/paternity leave -- including Netflix DVD workers!

Why is this important?

While Netflix reaped tons of positive press for their new maternity/paternity leave policy, the company left many of their own workers behind. Their streaming employees recently received unlimited paid maternity/paternity leave, but their hourly workers on the DVD side didn't.

An employee at one of Netflix's DVD hubs, where hourly workers package DVDs for Netflix customers, told Huffingpost anonymously that the hourly hub workers would not be included in the unlimited paid maternity/paternity leave. Instead, hourly workers only received 1-month paid maternity/paternity leave and an option for longer partial pay. Netlfix has declined to comment.

Regardless of whether Netflix employees work on the streaming or DVD side, everyone at Netflix deserves their company's generous paid leave benefits.

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