To: Netflix
Netflix: It's time to take closed captioning seriously!
The bizarrely low standards for Netflix captions are alienating subscribers who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have difficulty parsing dialogue.
They're loaded with nonsense characters, transcription errors, and implausible dialogue, and can shift wildly from excellent to illegible in the space of an episode.
This isn't about preferences, it's about abiding by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please, join us in calling on this usually progressive company to stop ignoring these complaints and take closed captioning seriously!
They're loaded with nonsense characters, transcription errors, and implausible dialogue, and can shift wildly from excellent to illegible in the space of an episode.
This isn't about preferences, it's about abiding by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please, join us in calling on this usually progressive company to stop ignoring these complaints and take closed captioning seriously!
Why is this important?
Netflix has an unprecedented library for media streaming and a sophisticated recommendation algorithm. Are we really supposed to believe it doesn't have the resources to improve its closed captioning?