To: Netflix
Netflix! Please remove Louis CK shows.
Bigotry and gun violence are no laughing matter. Survivors of Parkland High school shootings should be celebrated for rising up from their tragedy and truly being the change they want to see in the world.
Why is this important?
Disgraced comedian, Louis CK, who already admitted to past sexual misconduct, is again revealing his true nature, by making jokes about Parkland Highschool shooting victims and survivors.
Such an emrassment should not be celebrated on Netflix. Netflix has been a pioneer in changing hearts and minds through increasing representation and creating content that makes all Americans question their assumptions about the other. As such, Netflix should keep its values by removing any Louis CK content from its streaming services.
Such an emrassment should not be celebrated on Netflix. Netflix has been a pioneer in changing hearts and minds through increasing representation and creating content that makes all Americans question their assumptions about the other. As such, Netflix should keep its values by removing any Louis CK content from its streaming services.