To: Nevada County Board of Supervisors, Terri Andersen, Mayor, Nevada City, CA, Jennifer Ray, Vice Mayor, Nevada City, CA, Robert Bergman, Member, City Council, Nevada City, CA, Duane Strawser, Member, City Council, Nevada City, CA, Evans Ph...

Nevada County: Remove Smart Meters

An immediate MORATORIUM on the further installation of of Smart Meters, Gateway Devices, and Tropos Devices throughout Nevada County, CA.
The immediate BAN/REMOVAL of all Smart Meters, Gateway Devices, and Tropos devices from Nevada County, CA.
Utility companies will replace Smart Meters with traditional analogue meters with no costs being levied on the utility customers for said replacement.

Why is this important?

We, the members of Stop Smart Meters of Nevada County, and the undersigned citizens, assert the following:
Smart Meters, Gateway and/or Tropos devices are a hazard to the physical and mental health and safety of human beings, flora, and fauna ( plants and animals .) [ Gateway and/or Tropos devices for the purposes of this petition refers to: specific technological devices which aid in the transmission of Smart Meter communications and/or amplify/boost the power of Smart Meters.];
Peer reviewed science has demonstrated that children are especially vulnerable to the harmful forms of radiation emitted by Smart Meters, Gateway and/or Tropos devices;
Smart Meters, Gateway and /or Tropos devices and their installation have been partially or completely responsible for numerous fires across the United States and Canada which have resulted in the loss of human life, as well as the lives of animals, and have caused millions of dollars in property damage;
Smart Meters, Gateway and /or Tropos devices as they are interconnected and currently function have been proven to often misread utility customers' usage, and to artificially and arbitrarily inflate the bills of hundreds of utility customers;
Smart Meters, Gateway and /or Tropos devices have been proven to be susceptible to computer hacking, and could thus be used for Eco Terrorism;
Smart Meters, Gateway and /or Tropos devices transmit and report customers' private data without customers' consent;
The above illegally collected data is then subject to being sold/used illegally;
Smart Meters, Gateway and/or Tropos devices are capable of around-the-clock monitoring of certain activities and behaviors in citizens' homes, thereby violating their right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution;
Several utility companies have lied, and continue to lie to citizens regarding their right to refuse Smart Meter installation, as well as misrepresented the health and safety risks of Smart Meters, Gateway and/or Tropos devices;
Citizens of the United States and Canada have been illegally arrested for their refusal to have Smart Meters installed;
Citizens of the United States and Canada have had their property rights violated and their property illegally damaged by utility companies and/or law enforcement when citizens refused the installation of Smart Meters;
Utility customers have often been given no notice of Smart Meter installation, or have often been given inadequate notice of Smart Meter installation;
The installation and use of Smart Meters, Gateway and/or Tropos devices has resulted in widespread job losses;
Local governments' rights to protect the health, welfare, and safety of their citizens may supersede those of the California Public Utilities Commission;
The citizens' group Stop Smart Meters of Nevada County shall provide to local authorities documentation to support the aforementioned assertions;
We, Stop Smart Meters of Nevada County and the undersigned citizens request the following to these governmental entities of Nevada County, California:
Grass Valley – City Council
Nevada City – City Council
Nevada County Board of Supervisors

An immediate MORATORIUM on the further installation of of Smart Meters, Gateway Devices, and Tropos Devices throughout Nevada County, CA.
The immediate BAN/ REMOVAL of all Smart Meters, Gateway Devices, and Tropos devices from Nevada County, CA.
Utility companies will replace Smart Meters with traditional analogue meters with no costs being levied on the utility customers for said replacement.

We also request for a study to be done study to determine the long term health, safety, and economic impact of Smart Meters, Gateway devices, and Tropos devices on Nevada County's citizens. Nevada County is a rural county with finite monetary resources, whereas the county's largest supplier/installer of Smart Meters is Pacific Gas and Electric, which has substantial financial resources. It is the contention of Stop Smart Meters of Nevada County and the undersigned citizens that Pacific Gas and Electric has installed thousands of Smart Meters in Nevada County without performing adequate, unbiased research as to the impact of this technology on the health and well-being of Nevada County citizens. Therefore, as a good faith effort, it is incumbent upon Pacific Gas and Electric to fund the requested study. We request that the Nevada County Board of Supervisors, with the assistance of Nevada County Counsel, oversee the hiring and ongoing work of an independent research firm to do said study. It is hoped that this will insure there is no conflict of interest on the part of Pacific Gas and Electric.
