To: Susan Chapman, First Selectman

New Fairfield needs Fair Garbage Collection Rates

New Fairfield Selectmen protect residents from the rising costs of trash removal by soliciting those services for all residents. A municipal contract for trash removal will lower residential rates. Publish a Request for Proposal asking trash haulers to bid on municipal wide residential trash removal services.

Why is this important?

The cost of residential trash removal varies from household to household, as do the services offered. A recent poll showed NF citizens paying anywhere from $27 to $49 per month for similar services. Many small providers are merging with larger providers, who are then raising rates. The cost savings with a municipal contract with a private provider is significant. For example, the Town of Ellington (pop 15,000), CT contracts with one provider that costs each participating household $125 per year, which comes to $10.42 per month. For $10.42 a month, house holds receive a 96 gallon rolling cart and recycle bin, weekly trash pick up, and bulky item removal up to 4 times per year. Citizens may opt out and use the transfer station. Consolidating services will save money for everyone.